How to Register
You can register online at or at our registration centers. Registration fee is at Kshs. 1000.
Upon registration you will be provided with a campaign kit.
Registration Details/ Information: Name: Company / Organization: Tel: Email: Address: Type of Event: INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE Date of Event: 21ST TO 23RD SEPTEMBER 2018 Theme of Event: STOP RADICALIZATION AND VIOLENT EXTREMISM Registration Deadline: 7TH SEPTEMBER 2018
The Registration Centers are listed below.
- PROCMURA Central Office on Prof. Saitoti Avenue,
- St. Marks ACK Church Westlands on Waiyaki Way,
- St. Andrews PCEA Nairobi on Nyerere Road,
- All Saints Cathedral on Valley Road,
- University of Nairobi at University Way,
- Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) on Lang’ata Road.
Registration Kits will be delivered to online registration. Please ensure to indicate your PHYSICAL ADDRESS correctly.
- Participants must be over 18 years of age. All under the age of 18 must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult.
- All participants must ensure they are medically fit to participate in the walk.
- The organizer reserves the right to contact and interview applicants by phone for additional information required for matters relating to this event.
- The organizers will not be responsible for any disputes arising from incomplete/incorrect entry details.
- The organizer reserves the right to refuse entry to applicants who declare false information on their entry form, do not make the required payment, or who have been banned under the Kenya law from public events participation competition, or who have taken banned substances or who do not meet the entry requirements.
- The organizer reserves the right to limit or refuse entries and to close entries before the closure deadline without notice particularly when deemed right to do so.
It is the responsibility of the participants to familiarize themselves with the event rules, the walk formats, times and routes and any directions as published in the ‘information print materials’ provided with the activities package.
Peace Campaign Information
Mark the Date: Friday, 21 st Saturday, 22 nd Sunday, Sunday 23 rd September 2018
Venues: All Saints Cathedral, August 7 th Memorial Park and Eastleigh High School
Routes: Haile Selasie Avenue, Ladhies Road, through Kamukunji grounds, Pumwani to Eastleigh High School.
The walk will start at 7.00 a.m.
Stop radicalization stop violent extremism!!